Manufacturing and mathematics by cooperation with KOSEN
Reference No. | 2023a012 |
Type/Category | Grant for General Research-Short-term Joint Research |
Title of Research Project | Manufacturing and mathematics by cooperation with KOSEN |
Principal Investigator | Hiroyasu Hamada(National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Sasebo College・Associate Professor) |
Research Period |
September 15,2023. ~
September 16,2023. |
Keyword(s) of Research Fields | Fluid engineering, Numerical analysis |
Abstract for Research Report | KOSEN provides a unique and successful higher-education system for young students from an age of 15, under close cooperation with industry, to foster top-level practical and creative engineers as human resources. In this study, we create new research to merge manufacturing of KOSEN and mathematics. it is expected that KOSEN will develop through research. Moreover many examples using mathematics will be created. Due to time constraints, we focused on topics related to fluid engineering and numerical analysis. |
Organizing Committee Members (Workshop) Participants (Short-term Joint Usage) |
Hiroyasu Hamada(National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Sasebo College・Associate Professor) Kenji Nakashima(National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Sasebo College・Professor) Yuuki Johno(National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Sasebo College・Professor) Fuminori Matsuyama(National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Sasebo College・Associate Professor) Koichiro Ogata(National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Oita College・Professor) Inagaki Ayumu(National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Oita College・Associate Professor) Daiki Sumida(Fluid Techno Co., Ltd.・Leader of Computational Fluid Analysis Group) Matsutani Shigeki(Kanazawa University・Professor) Yasuhide Fukumoto(Kyushu University・Professor) Osamu Saeki(Kyushu University・Professor) Daisuke Tagami(Kyushu University・Associate Professor) |